Monday, April 2, 2012

Let's Do The Numbers!

If you’re having a hard time seeing the value of getting out of debt; if the numbers seem abstract still, let me try to clarify it with this post.    In the post, Why Be Debt Free?, I detailed the debt of the average American (the average American has a home with a mortgage balance of $240,000, a car with a loan balance of $30,700 (two thirds of American households have 2 cars),  4 credit cards with a combined balance of $10,600, and an education with a student loan balance of $20,000). 

Below I will show you a projection of how much you could earn if you invested the interest in the average American’s debt.  I will also show you how much the average American would have in 30 years if their payments were invested instead of being paid to the banks.

All calculations were made assuming an 8% return and, for ease of calculation, evenly distributing the interest over the course of the loan.

Mortgage            $240,000
Payment              $1,216
Interest paid       $197,776
Term                    30 Years
Interest Rate       4.5%
The value of the interest, in 30 years, would be $823,662

Loan Amount     $30,700
Payment              $536
Interest paid       $1,505
Term                    5 Years
Interest Rate       1.9%
The value of the interest, in 30 years, would be $13,617

Student Loan
Loan Amount     $20,000
Payment              $212
Interest paid       $5,455
Term                    10 Years
Interest Rate       5%
The value of the interest, in 30 years, would be $20,624

Credit Card (Assuming a 2% minimum payment)
Loan Amount     $10,600
Payment              $212
Interest paid       $4,163
Term                    70 months
Interest Rate       11.99%
The value of the interest, in 30 years, would be $37,339

The value, after 30 years, of the interest alone would be $895,242!!! That’s just if you invested the interest you paid!  If you invested the monthly payments you make, you would have over $3,264,000!!!  Can you see the value in getting rid of your debt payments now?!?!?  Would your retirement be comfortable with over $3,000,000?  Would you ever have to worry about money again?  Would you be able to reach your financial dreams?  

When Andrea and I saw these numbers, it was a no brainer for us!  It was time to get out of debt!  I hope you make that decision too!  It’ll be well worth it!

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